GynoS™ IUD placement
Diverse training cases teach how to safely insert intra-uterine devices in anteverted or retroverted uteri, along with nulliparous or parous patient cases.
Training goals
Diverse training cases teach doctors how to safely insert intra-uterine devices (IUDs) in anteverted or retroverted uteri, along with nulliparous or parous patient cases. Repeatable cases help trainees to quickly master the relevant motor skills while safely handling and correctly placing the inserts. Again, the patient comfort scale gives immediate feedback on the safety and quality of the procedure. Outside views and ghost tools guide the trainee during the first placements. Afterwards, unguided procedures are recorded and can be looked at for debriefing.
- Supports training for the placement of the Mirena®, PARAGARD®, Kyleena®, and Skyla®/Jaydess® IUDs
- Allows uterine sounding
- Cases include nulliparous patients and patients with either anteverted or retroverted uteri
- IUD trainer for gynecology